"Naturally Yours"
CEO: Isaac Wodsworth

HydroFlo is one of the most well known Monoliths, due to heavily operating outisde of Atlantica as well. Though all of their water is sourced from Atlantica, they have their own Delivery Trains that deliver to other planets.
It's pretty fair to apply, but they prefer people who are local to Newtropolis, or can move there.
Hydroflo was one of the first founded Monoliths. When you discover a planet of only water, that's one of the first things youre going to take advantage of. It was set up and running in Year 2, and since then has only grew. The Original founder was named David Seymour.
The Water in Atlantica has a minor chemical in it named 'Chlomona'. It's barely there, but ingesting a lot of it directly overtime can cause internal bleeding, splotches in skin and eventually death. Burning Chlomona risks it entering the air, and is more importantly, is extremely expensive and inconvenient.
Hydroflo decided to use this to their advantage. On the opposite point of the planet to Newtropolis is a town called Fihskborrg. Despite just beginning civilization, they were growing fast and their fishing game was immaculate. They also didn't appreciate corporation with Hydroflo, which made the founder worried they were pining for Monolith status.Â
They began dumping the built-up excess Chlomona near them, causing generational health problems for those who lived there, and an off-purple tinted water. Birth rates were stilted and the progression of the city has been stunted ever since. Hydroflo Execs refer to Fisskborrg as 'The Dump'
Hydroflo has good connections with the other planets, and is allowed to have bases there to get water to their people faster.
CEO: Isaac Wadsworth
EXECS: The top people in the company, managing the financial resources, overseeing distribution, and marketing strageties. After Isaac came into power, they make the vast majority of the decisions for him.
PRODUCT MANAGERS: Makes sure everything in-production is going well.
SUPPLY CHAINERS: Catchall name for the many jobs that handle the ground-work in the factory.
While the Supply Chainers and Product Managers are just there to do their job, The Execs hold most of the power, and operate in a clicky manner. Some abuse their power, but most are just catty.
ISAAC WADSWORTH - Monolith Owner
Wart W. Wart - Isaac's Assistant