The 'Original' Planet humanity migrated from. It's atmosphere and animals render the planet completely inhabitable, the only locals being those connected to the mysterious monolith 'ZENTEK'.
The Rustlands is known for its massive geysers, red sand, and creepy crawlers. Despite not being as flashy as some of the other planets, it has one of the largest populations out of any planet and a very strong local community.
Atlantica is made up almost entirely of water. It's most famous for it's city Newtropolis, a bustling glowing city in an underwater bubble. Besides that, there are many other cities that have been made In it's cruel but beautiful climate.
Kaldtislav is a war-ravaged, desolate ice planet. It is the largest of any planet, with the majority of it still undiscovered. Despite being a place with seemingly no upsides, the locals are working hard to bring it back to its former glory.
Xavalon is a rainforest planet, an incredibly popular tourist site for its exotic image. With Cities filled with art, libraries with endless old texts, and plants and animals that glow at night, Most tourists pretend to not know the massive slave trade.